Activities & Projects
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Lake Tahoe Chapter, NSDAR

Activities & Projects for 2024 are under construction. Check back soon to see the many events of our exciting year!
Western Days in South Lake Tahoe - the kickoff to 75th annual Wagon Train
Saturday, June 1, 2024
Western Days celebrates the "Great Western Migration" during the 1849 Gold Rush to California with an annual reenactment of wagons, gold miners, and pioneers crossing the Sierra Mountains at Echo Summit.
Lake Tahoe Historical Society adds to the celebration by opening its museum complex to events, arts & crafts, activities, games, information booths, and delicious goodies made locally.
Lake Tahoe Chapter provided an informative booth
about the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR).
July 4 Parade Chapter Float on Lake Tahoe Blvd., South Lake Tahoe, CA.
Chapter members and guests ride the DAR float.
Annual Beach Clean-up at Reagan Beach, South Lake Tahoe CA
JULY 5, 2024
Each year following Tahoe's big July 4 fireworks celebration attended by thousands of tourists and locals, members of our chapter dedicate time and work to clean beaches along the south shore. This year our members selected Reagan Beach for clean-up.
Al Tahoe Pioneer Cemetery
Annual Guided Historical Walking Tour
Saturday, July 6, 2024
Over 100 pioneer graves have been confirmed in the Al Tahoe Pioneer Cemetery. Each year members of Lake Tahoe Chapter provide historic information to the public about Lake Tahoe's early settlers and their lives.
Chapter members provided a historical account of early Tahoe pioneer's graves and their lives.
9/11 Memorial Flag
For 24 years Chris Sneed has climbed the rocks above highway 50 between Lake Tahoe and Carson City Nevada to plant a new flag in honor of those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. The tradition started on the day of the attacks on the country, killing 2,750 people in New York, 184 at the Pentagon, and 40 in Pennsylvania, forever changing the world.
This annual event has become a popular local event sparking patriotism and draws a huge crowd for the flag change-out on what is now known as Patriot Rock.
Chapter members with local hero Chris Sneed.
Food for Thought is Lake Tahoe Chapter, NSDAR, program that began in 2019 to support homeless students on the campus of Lake Tahoe Community College. At each meeting, chapter members donate food and personal hygiene items to the campus food pantry. This program assists with food and other necessities for students who are facing food and housing insecurities. Program is ongoing.
Photos courtesy of a chapter member.
In March & June 2019, the Lake Tahoe Chapter, NSDAR, provided a special hot lunch during finals week for veterans of our armed forces who were attending Lake Tahoe Community College.
Photo courtesy of a chapter member.
HAND-CRAFTED ITEMS FOR VETERANS - Lake Tahoe Chapter, NSDAR, Daughters live at least two hours from the nearest Veterans Administration (VA) Medical Center. One way they serve hospitalized veterans is to create quilted, sturdy wheelchair/walker bags and bedside buckets. These are provided to patients at the Mather VA Medical Center, Sacramento, California, and to medical facilities in South Lake Tahoe caring for local hospitalized veterans. This program began in 2019 and is ongoing.
Photos courtesy of a chapter member.
DAR Daughters everywhere support the path to United States citizenship. Because Lake Tahoe Chapter, NSDAR, is in the High Sierra where the nearest naturalization ceremonies are two hours away, the chapter finds other ways to honor new citizens. In this case, a reception was held by chapter members. A new citizen was presented with a certificate and a copy of the DAR Manual for Citizenship to share with other members of the immigrant community.

Photo courtesy of a chapter member.
SUGAR PINE FOUNDATION PROJECT - The chapter supports the local Sugar Pine Foundation with its donations. The foundation is attempting to halt the spread of white blister rust in the sugar pine population by collecting cones from trees proven to be resistant to the disease. Seeds from these cones are planted and the resulting seedlings are planted at reforestation sites all around the Lake Tahoe Basin. The foundation provides opportunities for DAR Daughters to participate in reforestation and to visit reforestation sites where their donations have made a difference.
To learn more about saving Tahoe's sugar pines please visit: Sugar Pine Foundation
Pictured below - Lake Tahoe Chapter, NSDAR, regent planting sugar pine trees. (May 28, 2020)
(May 28, 2020)
Photos courtesy of chapter members.
National Society Daughters of the American Revolution NSDAR
California State Society Daughters of the American Revolution CSSDAR